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On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 1:29 PM, Philippe Lhoste <> wrote:
> On 25/11/2013 20:28, Georgios Petsagourakis wrote:
>> I found that there is a set of not allowed characters for the filenames or
>> extensions which are the following:
>> / \ ? % * : | " < > .
> Curious to ask this without specifying which filesystem you target!
> % and . are perfectly legal in Windows' filenames... Unless you exclude all
> characters rejected by all systems...

Yeah. And AFAIK in unix only / and nul ( \0 ) are illegal. I've read a
story about how someone developing a shell had one directory with
files named for every 254 allowed chars, used to test wildcard
expansions, which tended to crash every filesystem walking program (
think backup script ).
