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On 10/14/2013 06:43 AM, steve donovan wrote:
On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 8:37 AM, Thomas Jericke <> wrote:
If you ever happen to reconsider this, I am a big supporter for a change.
For me it is a real joy to read code in a language that only accepts boolean
values for logical expressions including if and while conditions.
Except that there are hundreds of thousands of lines out there that do
'if val' assuming that nil evaluates to false.
Well, nobody is forcing them to update to Lua 6 ;-)
There's really only two
cases - it's not like C./Python where you have to consider zero as
well.  And languages which think that '' is false rightly deserve our
It doesn't make that much of a difference. Of course C is even worse, but once you broke the rule that a non-boolean value can be used in a if statement you already go down that path.

(However, I could definitely live with no default number -> string
conversions e.g. in concatenation. That would be cleaner)

What's whith the hunders and thousand lines of code?

