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On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 9:16 AM, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo
<> wrote:
>> I think that single ";" need to be escaped, if I read the OP's request
>> correctly.
> You're right. I missed that part: "where a, b and c can be any length
> and can include non repeating occurrences of ;".
> This should work then:
>          t = s..";;"
>          for p in t:gmatch("(.-);;") do print(p) end

Also, I always feel compelled to offer the lpeg answer.

I'm sure this can be improved, as well:

lpeg = require'lpeg'

sep = lpeg.P";;"

item = sep * lpeg.Cc"" + lpeg.C(( lpeg.P(1) - sep )^1 ) * (sep + -1)

items = lpeg.Ct(item^1 )

t = items:match(s)

for i,v in ipairs(t) do

    print(i, v)
