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Am 07.10.2013 02:37 schröbte Tim Hill:

i think we're saying the same thing from a different viewpoint ..
there is a certain amount of work to be done, and it can either be
done late (at # time, with O(n) cost) or early (at insert time, with
n * O(1) cost). Both have (well known) trade-offs of course.


I have not looked at the code in detail, but I suspect the current #
behavior is more or less a "freebie" side-effect of how the table
internals work, hence it's odd behavior with non-sequence tables.

Not really. The current code basically works like this:
* If there is a nil at the end of the array part, use a binary search to find a (non-nil,nil) pair in the array part -> that's the length. * Otherwise use the size of the array part as a starting point, and look for a nil entry in the table, doubling the position where you look at every step. When you find a nil entry, do a binary search between this entry and the last position you looked (which was non-nil) to find a (non-nil,nil) pair -> that's the length.

Using binary search to find *any* (non-nil,nil) pair (instead of the one with the smallest index) avoids linear complexity.

