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2013/9/18 Chris Berardi <>:
>     Can someone kindly explain the reason why I see this error ?
>         tax.init = function (pIncome, pRate)
>           tax._income = pIncome
>           tax._rate = pRate
>           end
>         tax:init(12200, 12)
> The way Lua handles OO, the call to tax:init(12200, 12) is syntactic
> sugar for
> tax.init(tax, 12200, 12). Therefore, tax._income is assigned tax and
> tax._rate
> is assigned what you think is pIncome and what you think is pRate is
> thrown
> away.
> Try changing the call to tax.init(12200, 12) or change the function
> definition
> to tax.init = function (self, pIncome, pRate).

And change all the statements to statements.