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Hello folks,

I'm happy and glad to tell you my release of my first real Lua project.
I created irccd, an IRC bot that acts as a daemon and wait for IRC
events to call Lua (currently 5.2) scripts.

Irccd understand the most popular IRC events like :

 * Channel joins / part
 * Channel message
 * Notices
 * Queries
 * Topic change
 * etc...

Irccd may also act as a client when using sockets or its dedicated tool
called irccdctl. This time you're controlling irccd to send message,
join channels and such.

It's written in C++11 and use only libircclient, libxdg-basedir (for
unix) and Lua as libraries.

Note: you can disable Lua support freely.

If you're intersted, irccd works on Windows, Linux and FreeBSD.


David Demelier