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On Sep 1, 2013, at 9:21 AM, Philipp Janda <> wrote:

> Am 01.09.2013 01:25 schröbte Thomas Harning Jr.:
>> There is a constant you can modify that will give you data behind the
>> lua_State pointer, can't recall it though...  I've used it to store mutex
>> data in projects.
> The constant is LUAI_EXTRASPACE, but it is hard to use, because some necessary type definitions are hidden away in lstate.c. Here is what I came up with (for Lua 5.2):
> Add the following to the end of luaconf.h:
> -----------------------8<----------------------------

I looked at EXTRASPACE but was concerned that, as an undocumented feature (well, I couldn't find it in any official docs, anyway), that it may go away at some future time. Also, as noted, it looked somewhat cumbersome to use.
