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Lua bindings for POSIX (including curses)

I am happy to announce the release of luaposix release 30.

luaposix's home page is at

* Noteworthy changes in release 30 (2013-08-29) [stable]

** New features:

 - Support for file locks with fcntl() using F_SETLK, F_SETLKW, F_GETLK,

 - Preliminary support for GNU Hurd, and OpenBSD.

** Bug fixes:

 - posix.shutdown can actually be called now.

 - Report the correct argument number in posix function error messages.

 - Much reduced compiler warning noise.

 - Many small typos and inconsistencies, see ChangeLog for details.

Install it with LuaRocks, using:

  luarocks install luaposix-30

Until the rocks are available from the official repository in a few days,
you can install directly from the luaposix release branch, with:

  $ luarocks install \