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2013/8/26 Francisco <>:
> thanks everyone, i used most of tips ...
> --
> xico
> web developer at Jurema and Simbiose
> 55 11 97531.7438

At first, I'd not believe you're new to C, because it's very well written :-).

However, I would recommend using luaL_newlib instead of luaL_register
in luaopen_iwi, but luaL_newlib is not present in 9.1 so you may add
something like this.

#if LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502
    luaL_newlib(L, iwi_methods);
    luaL_register(L, LIBIWI, iwi_methods);

Or if you plan to support lua 5.2 only, then you can just use the first one.

Demelier David