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On 2013-08-23 10:48:31 +0000, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo said:

I can call the functions with mytab.func1(), but I would like to use a reference to the table itself (like the self parameter on Python classes):

mytab = {

func1 = function(self, ?) do something end

func2 = function(self, ?) do something other


and self should be point to mytab. How can I do this?

Your solution using self works fine. Just call the function with mytab:func1().

The short example works, but on my full example it does not. I have defined:

local myClassDef = {

     __instancedata = {},

     __metadata = {},

     constructor = function(…) end


myClass.__metadata = {

      __call = function(self, …) self:constructor(self.__instancedata, …) return self end, 

      __newindex = function(self, key, value) self.__instancedata[key] = value,

      __index = loClassDef.__instancedata  


local myClass = setmetatable( myClassDef, myClassDef,__metadata

function myClass:constructor( self, id ) = id


function myClass:test( self )



x = myClass( 123 )

x.test() -- shows nil

I try to define my own OOP structure, I have take a look to loop, etc. I would like to push the table itself to each defined method

Tanks a lot for help
