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Newton Kim <> writes:
> What C API should I call to let the lua engine load my extension?
> Thank you in advance.

You can execute other bits of Lua code from the C api too...  so you
_could_ just include a small constant string in your C program,
containing Lua "init" code that does all the module loading and other
setup you want, and run that code snippet before loading the main

  static const char init_lua_code[] = "...some lua code...";

  luaL_loadstring (L, init_lua_code);
  // optionally push arguments the lua code uses
  lua_call (L, 0/*number of args*/, 0);

Alternatively, it's easy to just call the Lua require function:

  lua_getglobal (L, "require");		 // function
  lua_pushstring (L, "mymodulename");    // arg 0
  lua_call (L, 1, 1);			 // call require; returns 1 val

  // If it's a 5.1/5.2-style module, it will return the module table, so
  // store that in a global variable:
  lua_setglobal (L, "mymodulevar");       // maybe same name as above


On a bad day, I see brewers still talking as though all beer were
consumed in the pub, by the pint -- by insatiably thirsty Yorkshire
steelworkers who have in reality long ago sought work as striptease
artists.  [Michael Jackson]