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On Mon, 5 Aug 2013 00:34:40 -0300
Henrique Gogó <> wrote:

> And any solution for my FastCGI problem?

In the past I had Lua/WSAPI apps running under FastCGI on Lighttpd. It
takes some rewrite magic to prevent static pages getting routed to the
application and thus not returning 404. In addition, to reload your
application after a change to the code required a restart of Lighttpd. I
would send you the configuration, but alas it's the property of my
previous employer and I no longer have it. I remember it being simple
but a bit counterintuitive.

For what it's worth, these days I'm getting excellent results running
apps in uWSGI behind nginx. uWSGI can talk FastCGI but I haven't
configured it that way before.

Aaron B. <>