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On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 5:31 PM, Greg Fitzgerald <> wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 4:02 PM, Javier Guerra Giraldez
> <> wrote:
>> local f = o:m
>> as syntax sugar to:
>> local f = function(...) return o.m(o, ...)  end
> That would be a good addition too.
>> i think it's better than Greg's proposal because it doesn't magically
>> changes the meaning of an existing operator (dot)
> That's not exactly fair.  It magically changes the dot operator in the
> same way the __index metamethod magically changes the dot operator.
> Both are tucked under the hood.  From the user's perspective, the same
> code could have just as easily been written with no metamethods at
> all:
> local funcs = {
>     inc = function(self)
>         self.a = self.a + 1
>         return self
>     end
> }
> local function new(t)
>    local o = t or {a = 0}
>    for k,f in pairs(funcs) do
>       o[k] = function(...) return f(o, ...) end
>    end
>    return o
> end
> assert(new().inc().inc().inc().a == 3)
> Using the __index metamethod is a handy way of exposing a Lua library
> with the familiar syntax of JavaScript, Python, Java, etc.  Using this
> proposed __method metamethod is a technique for getting that syntax
> without the performance regression.
> -Greg

Overloading : to work when not coupled with a parameter list is the
better solution. It's still important to be able to access the unbound
version of the method, so you want x.y to still return the unbound
version, and you don't want to overload the behavior of . any more
than it already is. Meanwhile, : without a parameter list is currently
a syntax error, so adding it would cause no incompatibilities and
minimal overhead (there would still be a __method dispatch on a:b()
where there wasn't one before, but that overhead can be brought down
to just a single comparison by requiring that __method be defined on
the metatable already when setmetatable is called).

That said... I'm not convinced that it would be anything more than
syntactic sugar. Adding "bound functions" that aren't closures to the
language... well, I can see how it could be done with less overhead
than defining a closure, but would it actually make a substantive
difference, and could it be done CLEANLY?

It sounds to me like this is the time to put one's money where one's
mouth is and put together a patch so that it can be tested instead of
merely speculated upon.

/s/ Adam