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It was thus said that the Great Petite Abeille once stated:
> Hello,
> Brain freeze of the day… what would be a reasonable Lua string pattern to fold double vowels into one?
> E.g.:
> ao -> a
> ii -> i
> ue -> u
> etc…
> Got the following at the moment:
> print( ( 'aaaa aaa aa a aaaaa' ):gsub( '([aeiou]?)([aeiou]?)', '%1' ))
> > aa aa a a aaa
> Is there a more straightforward way?

lpeg = require "lpeg"
Cf   = lpeg.Cf
Cc   = lpeg.Cc
C    = lpeg.C
P    = lpeg.P

pattern = Cf(
	* (P"ao" / "a" + P"ii" / "i" + P"ue" / "u" + C(P(1)))^1,
        function(a,b) return a .. b end

print(pattern:match("ao ii ue"))
