You need to pass the Aobj to fptr. The last line should be: fptr(Aobj, 'man').On 22/05/2013, at 11:13 AM, Muqtheear S <muqtheear.s@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> When I execute below code, fun1 is getting called, but val is always nil(supposed to be 'man'). Please suggest me
> class.A()
> function A:fun1(val)
> print(val)
> end
> function A:fun2()
> return self.fun1;
> end
> Aobj = A()--creating an object
> fptr = Aobj:fun2()
> fptr('man');
Alternatively, fun2 could be
function A:fun2()
return function(...) return self:fun1(...) end
(Since you're using some class library thing, I haven't tested this code)