On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 8:14 AM, Thomas Jericke <tjericke@indel.ch> wrote:
If Lua really once will get a macro extension, it is highly possible that such things would be possible, assuming that the Lua macro language will run pre-compilation.
Naturally, this has been done ;)
--- mmath.lua -- shows how a macro module pulled in with require_ -- can return a substitution value. In this case, -- it would be better to use include_, but this
-- method is more general return function() return 'local sin,cos = math.sin, math.cos\n' end
-- test-require.lua require_ 'mmath'
print(sin(1.2) + cos(0.3))
Anything can be loaded at pre-compile expansion time, so it can work with any require.
However, it involves the external dependency LuaMacro as a preprocessor