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This looks like a university thesis gone a little too far.
Escape returns aren't really more than syntactic sugar for memoization, quote isn't any different from a macro, and we otherwise just see a bunch of C sucked into Lua syntax.
I don't think it was necessarily well-conceived, but it looks insanely useful even in its current form.

On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 11:45 AM, Pierre Chapuis <> wrote:
> So, as I understand it, programming in "Terra" environment means really
> writing a LLVM-based compiler, only instead of LLVM you use Terra (which,
> reportedly, seems to actually translate to LLVM underneath?), and instead
> of C++ you use Lua.

My simpler idea of this (for people who are not looking to build a
compiler) is
that you can use Terra as some kind of C (since it generates .o files that
ABI-compatible with C) and Lua as an overpowered preprocessor.

Generating code compatible with C (meaning you can link it or make it a
dynamic library) is an awesome feature IMO.

I have yet to play more with the language but this looks really good.

Pierre Chapuis