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2013/5/14 Mark Gabby <>:

> local lpeg = require "lpeg"
> local P = lpeg.P
> local R = lpeg.R
> local op_multiply = P "*" + "\195\151" + "\194\183"
> local op_divide = P "/" + "\226\136\149"
> local result = R"09" * ( op_multiply + op_divide ) * R"09"
> result:match( "6/2" )

After stripping those annoying `local`s in order to run your code
from the standalone interpreter, it works just fine on Lua 5.2.2
under Ubuntu 12.04. The last expression returns 4, as it should.

You _are_ running latest versions, yes?

BTW you missed "\195\183" as a divide synonym.

> On the other hand, maybe the problem has nothing to do with
> the raw byte encodings.

Probably system-dependent.