On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 2:31 PM, Mason Mackaman <masondeanm@aol.com> wrote:
I currently have Lua for Windows but I'm sick of being back in 5.1.4. The problem is I can't really figure out how to get Lua the proper way.
I suppose the 'proper way' is to get Mingw, download the Lua 5.2.2 sources, and do a 'make mingw'. However, that's just the core.
The situation with 5.2 is that many common modules have not been ported - not that it's difficult, it's just people haven't got around to it. I did a mini-distribution:
This does require mingw and an existing Lua + luafilesystem (classic bootstrap situation)
I can build a set of binaries if there's interest, but LuaDist is better designed for that job; luabuild is mostly for making custom self-contained Lua executables.