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* On Sat Mar 30 17:33:00 +0100 2013, Mason Mackaman wrote:
> why does 'f()' remove all entries of 'a'? Is that something I coded 
> into 'f()' or is that something Lua does with functions?

Sorry, I wasn't quite clear:

The culprit is in the line

  local newset,cloneset={},set

which is doing a multiple assignment on the locals newset and cloneset.

You probably ment to say:

  local nweset
  local cloneset = {}
  local set

but what your code does is:

  local newset = {}
  local cloneset = set

f() removes all entries from cloneset, which is a now a reference to a,
thus leaving the table a empty.

Coming from C this one is indeed tricky, I admit it happend to me a few
times as well.