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The solution to the following problem escapes me. Hopefully someone knows howto.

The file "messages" contains a series of data: 
  Message{field1=.., field2=..,} .. Message{..}

Reading these data in a table with the following code:
local Container = {}
local function readall ()
  function Message (msg) Container[#Container+1] = msg end

After the call to readall() the table Container is filled with the data. The field of the data can of course be used with Container[1].field1, etc.

Now the problem: I would like to be able to use in expressions
where extrafield is the result of an operation to be performed on the fields of the data. 
For example, if field1 is a string, then extrafield could deliver string.sub(field1,1,2).

Is it possible to do so in Lua, and how? I would be glad if someone can put me on the right track.

Hans van der Meer