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On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 01:30:36AM +0100, Christian Bielert wrote:
> downloaded the windows binary release from
> I unpacked luasql/sqlite3.dll
> into the directory with my lua files and called the lua interpreter to
> try out the functionality outlined in the documentation(e.g.
> "")
> > require "stdlib"
> > require "luasql.sqlite3"
> > pprint(luasql)
> {sqlite3 = 'function: 0062B810', _VERSION = 'LuaSQL 2.1.0', _DESCRIPTION = 'LuaS
> QL is a simple interface from Lua to a DBMS', _COPYRIGHT = 'Copyright (C) 2003-2
> 007 Kepler Project}
> Okay, so the only thing I can do at all is call luasql.sqlite3()?
> Let's try that.
> > result = luasql.sqlite3()
> > =result
> SQLite3 environment (0062D290)
> > =type(result)
> userdata
> >"foo")
> Error: stdin:1: attempt to call field 'open' (a nil value)
> [1] open
> [2] Unknown
> [3] Unknown
> Alright, yeah, I'm stuck. Does this mean the official binary release
> is somehow broken, or is there simply something that isn't documented?

I think there's been some confusion; I think you are using the sqlite driver
from the Kepler project, but reading the documentation for the driver from

If you choose to use the Kepler version, you'll want to say

    conn = result.connect("foo")

instead and go from there.
