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I must be missing something, but why can't you just do this with a metatable and skip the syntactic sugar altogether?


On Mar 22, 2013, at 12:11 AM, Sven Olsen <> wrote:

“or” isn’t quite what is wanted here, is it?  it would (undesirably) == false (as opposed to just nil).

Ok, now it's starting to look like I've got myself a fairly clean, simple patch.  


is syntax sugar for

where _CHECKED is defined as:

function _CHECKED(v,tname,kname)
if v~=nil then
return v
error(string.format("%s is missing required field: %q",tname or "<_expression_>", kname),2)

In the case that there's no clear name string associated with the table, then we can make the syntax sugar pass nil as the second argument to checked.  So, for example,

local a = (b or c)!.e

expands as:

local a =_CHECKED( (b or c).d, nil, "d" )

That's a limited semantic which seems to work fine in practice.  You can't use "table!.value" as an lvalue, but that's probably not a big deal, as most of the use cases I can think of are reads.
