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On Wednesday, March 20, 2013 03:21:10 AM Coda Highland wrote:
> Points 2 and 3 here could be addressed by having separate values for
> "undefined" and "no value". That much, at least, is relatively
> irrelevant. If such a feature were to be added to Lua, the only
> difference is that the automatic fallback would return "undefined"
> instead of nil, but omitted parameters and explicit nils would still
> be nil.

No, because function parameters and variable assignment are the same thing.

    a,b,c = 1,nil  -- 1,nil,undefined
    a,b,c = (function() return 1,nil end)()  -- ditto
      -- 1,nil,???
      a,b,c = ... -- 1,nil,???

I look at the issue as job security. If bugs were obvious and easy to find, 
that would really cut into my billable hours.

tom <>