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I am happy to announce the release of Specl 3,
Behaviour Driven Development for Lua.

This release is a significant upgrade to release 2:

- lyaml was spun out to a separate luarock, now required.
- Initial support for pending examples, either using the new
  `pending ()` function, or having an example description with an
  empty definition.
- pending and failed expectations are now summarized in the footer
  of default (progress) and report formatters.
- Formatters display in color on supported TERM types, ansicolors
  is now required.
- Color can be disabled with `--color=no` command line option.
- Custom formatters are now supported, using the new command line
  option `--formatter=tap`.
- `-v` now behaves differently, and simply requests more verbose
  output from the selected formatter, use `-freport` to select the
  report formatter like `-v` did in release 2 and earlier.
- The custom formatters API is documented in
- A new TAP formatter was contributed by François Perrad.
- Error message from invalid Lua in example definitions are now
  reported correctly.
- Runner environments are more robust, see for details.
- Specl no longer uses lua-stdlib (to break a cyclic dependency
  when using specl to run lua-stdlib spec-files).
- Many more specifications for Specl were added, now that specl is
  featureful enough to support BDD development of itself.

Install it as luarock specl-3 (see )

Most simply:

  luarocks install specl

(You may need to wait a while after this announcement lands before the
rocks are available.)

Specl's home page is at