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On Sun, Mar 17, 2013 at 5:24 PM, Laurent Faillie <> wrote:
> Hello,
> A question related to file parsing that drive me nut :(
> hddtemp is a tool that is monitoring disk temperature.
> With only 1 disk, it expose following string :
>     "|/dev/sda|WDC WD5000AAKB-00H8A0|29|C|"
> and I've been successfully able to parse it with following code :
>     local mnt,tp,temp,unit = string.match( s,
> "|(/dev/%a+)|(%a.+)|(%d+)|(%a)")
> But with more disk, the string become :
>     "|/dev/sda|IBM-ESXSDTN073C1UCDY10F|28|C||/dev/sdb|WDC
> WD3200AAJB-00J3A0|43|C||/dev/sdc|Maxtor
> 34098H4|UNK|*||/dev/sdd|???|ERR|*||/dev/sde|???|ERR|*|"
> where sda and sdb are disk whom the temperature can be requested.
> sdc is present on the system but it doesn't support temperature query
> (too old).
> sdd and sde aren't present at the moment.
> I would like to iterate against disk exposing their temperature (other
> can be ignored) but
>     for mnt,tp,temp,unit in s:gmatch("|(/dev/%a+)|(%a.+)|(%d+)|(%a)|") do
>         print(mnt, tp)
>     end
> miserably fails
>     /dev/sda    IBM-ESXSDTN073C1UCDY10F|28|C||/dev/sdb|WDC WD3200AAJB-00J3A0
>     nil
> so it is confused when reading first disk name.
> Any idea to parse such strings, being able to iterate b/w each disks
> whatever the string contains 1 or more disks ?
> Thanks
> Laurent
> ps: I've been able to get the information by iterating against each
> field using "([^|]*)" and then counting next fields to rebuild the
> structure. But I'm looking for a more efficient solution

Actually, your PS is the way I would have done it. It shouldn't even
be inefficient.

/s/ Adam