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Rena, you are so kind. The explaination is so good, it really unlock my mind. The question makes me confuse for a long time.
I have another question then,
if r then val = table.concat(t) end
How could it work? table.concat(t) concat nothing to the the table t.

On 2013/3/13 10:55, Rena wrote:
On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 10:29 PM, albert <> wrote:
The example code is in the link:
   1 require("ftp")
   2 require("ltn12")
   3 require("url")
   4 function ls(u)
   5     local t= {}
   6     local p = socket.url.parse(u)
   7     p.command = "nlst"
   8     p.sink = ltn12.sink.table(t)
   9     local r, e = socket.ftp.get(p)
  10     return r and table.concat(t), e
  11 end

  I don't understand line 10, Does that mean "return (r and table.concat(t)),
  r is a string, Then what does "r and table.concat(t)" mean?

It's what you wrote there, (r and table.concat(t)), e. It's using
boolean short-circuiting. A longer way to write it would be:
local val
if r then val = table.concat(t) end
return val, e

in both cases, if r is nil or false, the table.concat part of the
expression is ignored and the value returned is nil. socket.ftp.get
most likely returns (nil, error_message) on failure, so in that case
this function would also return (nil, e). It's comparable (but not
identical!) to C's ternary operator.