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On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 12:35 PM, Rena <> wrote:
> Why not? I find it very convenient.

Best possible answer ;)

If you ever play with Go, be prepared for _compulsory_ extra comma!

m := map[string]int {

It's needed because otherwise the semi-colon inserter gets over-eager.
(Not needed for single-line map literals)

Lua really has a gorgeously simple syntax.

Any further convenience comes at the cost of complexity. For instance,
in Moonscript, the commas are optional because newlines are

myfun {

This is very nice for DSLs.. But significant-newlines means that one
can't just extend a statement over several lines, as you can _mostly_
do in Lua.  You can pass multiple arguments to a function, but then
the first argument must be on the first line, and you _do_ need commas
(and no final comma!)

print 'one',

I do like MS, but there is a lot more to remember.

steve d.