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On 03/06/2013 10:34 PM, Coda Highland wrote:
Those implementation details are what define the differences between
languages, therefore the claim stands. If you did the legwork to
extend INTERCAL to be able to call C libraries, the resulting language
would no longer be INTERCAL, but INTERCAL with extensions;
alternatively, if you wrapped INTERCAL with a shell that parsed the
output of an INTERCAL algorithm and invoked an outside function based
on that, you haven't made INTERCAL able to do it but instead you've
constructed a system that can do it using another language.

Is is only as true as you are willing to push the pedantry. You've already mentioned two alternative ways to refute your point, and no money had to be put on the line. To close this off, I'll only mention that there was even some people working on a GUI framework for brainfuck. And no one actually has any doubt that this sort of stunt, and others like this, could be pulled off, all thanks to Alan Turing.