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To explain this problem, I put all code and results.
=================================modified code===========================

static lu_mem singlestep (lua_State *L) {
  global_State *g = G(L);
  switch (g->gcstate) {
    case GCSpause: {
      g->GCmemtrav = 0;  /* start to count memory traversed */
      if (!isgenerational(g))
        markroot(g);  /* start a new collection */
      /* in any case, root must be marked at this point */
              && !iswhite(gcvalue(&g->l_registry)));
      g->gcstate = GCSpropagate;
  ;     if(!g->gray)
          fprintf(stdout, "empty gray list\n"); // ++++++++++++++++++ nothing to mark
      return g->GCmemtrav;
    case GCSpropagate: {

static void generationalcollection (lua_State *L) {
  global_State *g = G(L);
  lu_mem est = g->GCestimate;
  lu_mem ttb = gettotalbytes(g);
  int tdeb = g->GCdebt;
  const char *tg = "full";
  if (g->GCestimate == 0) {  /* signal for another major collection? */
    luaC_fullgc(L, 0);  /* perform a full regular collection */
    g->GCestimate = gettotalbytes(g);  /* update control */
  else {
    lu_mem estimate = g->GCestimate;
    luaC_runti lstate(L, ~bitmask(GCSpause));  /* run complete cycle */
    luaC_runtilstate(L, bitmask(GCSpause));
    //fprintf(stdout, "estimate %d/%d gettotalbytes(g) (estimate / 100) * g->gcmajorinc %d/%d\n", estimate, g->GCestimate, gettotalbytes(g), (estimate / 100) * g->gcmajorinc);
    if (gettotalbytes(g) > (estimate / 100) * g->gcmajorinc)
      fprintf(stdout, "total bytes > estimate * gcmajorinc / estimate\n"); // +++++++++++++ indicate full gc triggered
      g->GCestimate = 0;  /* signal for a major collection */
    tg = "gen";
  luaE_setdebt(g, stddebt(g));
  fprintf(stdout, "##%6s estimate %8u -> %8u totalb %8u (%+d) debt %+8d -> %+8d\n", tg,
      est, g->GCestimate,
      gettotalbytes (g), gettotalbytes(g) - ttb,
      tdeb, g->GCdebt);

======================== lua script =======================================

collectgarbage "stop"

local function g()
    local ret = {}
    for i=1,SQSIZE do ret[i] = {a=1} end
    return ret
b = {}
for i=1,SQSIZE do b[i]=g() end

t = {}

collectgarbage "collect"
collectgarbage "collect"

collectgarbage("setpause", PAUSE)
collectgarbage("setstepmul", STEPMUL)
collectgarbage "generational"


local maxalloc = 0

local n = 0
for i=1,1000000 do
    local s = "n" .. i
    t[n] = s
    if n == NSIZE then n = 0 else n = n + 1 end
    local ma = collectgarbage "count"
    if ma > maxa lloc then maxalloc = ma end

print("OK, done, maxalloc = ", maxalloc, ", #t = ", #t)

collectgarbage "collect"
collectgarbage "collect"

============================= results ==========================================
case 1:
D:\Sources\lua\lua-5.2.1>lua\Debug\lua.exe gengc-test.lua 500 100 10 0 >out
##   gen estimate 16083903 -> 16093748 totalb 16083943 (+0) debt      +40 ->  -804190
empty gray list
##   gen estimate 16093748 ->        0 totalb 16557371 (-330767) debt       +5 ->  -827860
##  full estimate        0 -> 17009496 totalb 17009496 (-375762) debt      +27 ->  -850470
##   gen estimate 17009496 -> 17385317 totalb 17636208 (-223784) debt& nbsp;     +26 ->  -881810
empty gray list
##   gen estimate 17385317 ->        0 totalb 17998590 (-608412) debt   +88984 ->  -899920
##  full estimate        0 -> 18324161 totalb 18324161 (-574390) debt      +41 ->  -916200
##   gen estimate 18324161 -> 18663660 totalb 19176695 (-63668) debt       +2 ->  -958830
empty gray list
##   gen estimate 18663660 ->        0 totalb 19666957 (-468588) debt      +20 ->  -983340
##  full estimate        0 -> 20168926 totalb 20168926 (-481381) debt      +10 -> -1008440
##   gen estimate 20168926 -> 19913819 totalb 20426854 (-771909) de bt   +21397 -> -1021340
empty gray list
##   gen estimate 19913819 ->        0 totalb 20680870 (-767361) debt      +37 -> -1034040
##  full estimate        0 -> 22263238 totalb 22263238 (-9939) debt  +558267 -> -1113160
##   gen estimate 22263238 -> 21794115 totalb 22831438 (-544965) debt       +5 -> -1141570
empty gray list
##   gen estimate 21794115 ->        0 totalb 23414566 (-558472) debt      +30 -> -1170720
##  full estimate        0 -> 24011974 totalb 24011974 (-573347) debt      +35 -> -1200590
##   gen estimate 24011974 -> 23587515 totalb 24624838 (-587768) debt      +42 -> -1231240
empty gray list
##   gen estimate 23587515 ->        0 totalb 25014502 (-1421645) debt  +580069 -> -1250720
##  full estimate        0 -> 25208734 totalb 25208734 (-1235546) debt  +179058 -> -1260430
##   gen estimate 25208734 -> 24279387 totalb 25316710 (-1152493) debt      +39 -> -1265830
empty gray list
##   gen estimate 24279387 ->        0 totalb 28555102 (-88444) debt +2061006 -> -1427750
##  full estimate        0 -> 29283742 totalb 29283742 (-699111) debt       +1 -> -1464180
##   gen estimate 29283742 -> 27945299 totalb 30031198 (-716752) debt      +28 -> -1501550
empty gray list
##   gen estimate 27945299 - >        0 totalb 30798142 (-734629) debt      +23 -> -1539900
##  full estimate        0 -> 31584070 totalb 31584070 (-754012) debt      +40 -> -1579200
##   gen estimate 31584070 -> 30304355 totalb 32390254 (-773033) debt      +17 -> -1619510
empty gray list
##   gen estimate 30304355 ->        0 totalb 33217438 (-792359) debt      +33 -> -1660870
##  full estimate        0 -> 34028782 totalb 34028782 (-2875521) debt +2025995 -> -1701430
##   gen estimate 34028782 -> 32348771 totalb 34434670 (-2486568) debt +1191026 -> -1721730
empty gray list
##   gen estimate 32348771 ->        0 totalb 346 38022 (-2291672) debt  +773294 -> -1731900
##  full estimate        0 -> 34739086 totalb 34739086 (-2194836) debt  +564000 -> -1736950
##   gen estimate 34739086 -> 32703923 totalb 34789822 (-2146214) debt  +460000 -> -1739490
empty gray list
##   gen estimate 32703923 ->        0 totalb 34815598 (-2121495) debt  +407781 -> -1740770
##  full estimate        0 -> 34827862 totalb 34827862 (-2109736) debt  +381230 -> -1741390
##   gen estimate 34827862 -> 32748299 totalb 34834198 (-2103664) debt  +368610 -> -1741700
empty gray list
##   gen estimate 32748299 ->        0 totalb 34837774 (-2100220) debt  +362096 -> -1741880
##  full estimate        0 -> ; 34838950 totalb 34838950 (-2099110) debt  +358406 -> -1741940
##   gen estimate 34838950 -> 32753843 totalb 34839742 (-2098351) debt  +357203 -> -1741980
empty gray list
##   gen estimate 32753843 ->        0 totalb 34840558 (-2097575) debt  +356411 -> -1742020
##  full estimate        0 -> 34840342 totalb 34840342 (-2097776) debt  +355540 -> -1742010
##   gen estimate 34840342 -> 32754539 totalb 34840438 (-2097684) debt  +355770 -> -1742020
empty gray list
##   gen estimate 32754539 ->        0 totalb 34840894 (-2097230) debt  +355666 -> -1742040
##  full estimate        0 -> 36937662 totalb 36937662 (-463) debt  +355191 -> -1846880
##   gen estimate 36937662 -> 36954555 to talb 41137606 (-5845) debt +2358909 -> -2056880
empty gray list
##   gen estimate 36954555 ->        0 totalb 42188134 (-1006397) debt      +45 -> -2109400
##  full estimate        0 -> 43264870 totalb 43264870 (-1032703) debt      +39 -> -2163240
##   gen estimate 43264870 -> 40186251 totalb 44369302 (-1058854) debt      +46 -> -2218460
empty gray list
##   gen estimate 40186251 ->        0 totalb 45502318 (-1085448) debt       +4 -> -2275110
##  full estimate        0 -> 46663654 totalb 46663654 (-1113778) debt       +4 -> -2333180
##   gen estimate 46663654 -> 43671795 totalb 47854846 (-1141999 ) debt      +11 -> -2392740
empty gray list
##   gen estimate 43671795 ->        0 totalb 49076878 (-1170755) debt      +47 -> -2453840
##  full estimate        0 -> 50329486 totalb 50329486 (-1201247) debt      +15 -> -2516470
##   gen estimate 50329486 -> 47431227 totalb 51614278 (-1231699) debt      +21 -> -2580710
OK, done, maxalloc =     52203.346679688    , #t =     999999

case 2:
D:\Sources\lua\lua-5.2.1>lua\Debug\lua.exe gengc-test.lua 500 100 100 0 >out2
##   gen estimate 16083884 -> 16093729 totalb 16083924 (+0) debt      +40 -> -8041900
empty gray list
##   gen e stimate 16093729 ->        0 totalb 21211963 (-3949497) debt +1035636 -> -10605900
##  full estimate        0 -> 28680147 totalb 28680147 (-3137751) debt      +35 -> -14340000
##   gen estimate 28680147 -> 36954536 totalb 41137587 (-5909508) debt +4026948 -> -20568700
empty gray list
##   gen estimate 36954536 ->        0 totalb 49499187 (-12207145) debt      +45 -> -24749500
OK, done, maxalloc =     60260.043945313    , #t =     999999

========================= conclusion ========================================
We expect to see the following code, but not.
    "total bytes > estimate * gcmajorinc / estimate\n"
In the loop of test code, all operation is to put strings into t able. Lua VM's write barrier just put table to gray again list, and put nothing to gray list. So in next gc cycle, g->GCestimate = 0. And it trigger a full gc, not in expected manner.

At 2013-01-08 00:29:34,"Roberto Ierusalimschy" <> wrote: >>   >>     I run the test code on > >What parameters did you give to the script? Can you simplify it without >removing the problem? > >-- Roberto >