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Thanks, I was thinking about using debug but thought I might be overlooking something cleaner…

On Jan 4, 2013 2:29 AM, "Paul K" <> wrote:
> is there a way for a piece of Lua code to detect if it has been called as a
> standalone script from command line, or loaded during require() or dofile()?

You can probably use something like this:

print(debug.getinfo(3, "S"), #{...}, select(1, ...))

If you put this info module foo.lua

- from require this outputs (you get module name as a parameter in ...):
table:... 1 foo

- from dofile this outputs:
table:... 0

- from command line this outputs:
nil 0

If you pass more parameters from the command line, then the number of
arguments is going to be non-zero, but getinfo will still return nil.

CLI = debug.getinfo(3, "S") == nil
DOF = not CLI and #{...} == 0
REQ = not CLI and not DOF


On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 4:47 PM, František Fuka <> wrote:
> Hello,
> is there a way for a piece of Lua code to detect if it has been called as a
> standalone script from command line, or loaded during require() or dofile()?
> --
> -- Frantisek Fuka
> (yes, that IS my real name)
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