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Do this work correct eg my loading script shows:

function init( ... )

function myFunc( ... )

In this case the call in the init should be globally myload.myscript.myFunc(), so the
scoping of the loaded script must be corrected after inserting into the global variable.
For more information:

I have got Lua scripts with similar structure, for each script I call the "init" function many times
and get the result of the init with the C API, after each init is called n_i times, I call the "iterate"
function in the script with the data, but the different scripts should used one Lua state eg:

lua_state* L;
for i in scripts
    load i in L

l_data = {}
for i in init_calls
    run init function i in L
    push return data in l_data
for each i in l_data
    call script i with l_data[i] 
    data[i] = get return data


Am 29.12.2012 um 20:21 schrieb Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo:

>> How can I read the Lua script and push the Lua functions into a nested table? 
> Try this:
> 	function myload(s)
> 		_G[s]={}
> 		return assert(loadfile(s..".lua","bt",_G[s]))()
> 	end
> Use as follows:
> 	myload"script1"
> 	myload"script2"