local function merge(...)
local s, arg = {}, {...}
local n = select('#',...)
for j=1,n do if type(arg[j])=='table' then
for k,v in pairs(arg[j]) do s[k]=v end
end end
return s
The functionality can also be split into two usecases:
1) we have a table and want to add/override fields from another table - borrowing from jQuery, let's call it extend
2) merge all fields into a new table - easily implemented using the first
function extend(t, ...)
local arg = {...}
local n = select('#',...)
for j=1,n do if type(arg[j])=='table' then
for k,v in pairs(arg[j]) do t[k]=v end
end end
return t
function merge(...)
return extend({}, ...)
extend() can now be used for things such as default values when constructing objects or merging configuration that is split into several files.
Since the functions are so short, maybe they deserve the inclusion into Microlight? Or has the "top 30" limit been already reached? :)