It was thus said that the Great Philipp Kraus once stated:
I generate a table with
lua_setfield(L, -2, "mykey")
This works at the moment, I try to create a table like
{ "key1" : { "subkey" : 123 }, "key2" : { "subkey" : 456 } }
but I don't know how to append some new elements like
{ "key1" : { "subkey" : 123 }, "key2" : { "subkey" : 456, "newkey" : 789} }
I get the first table put it on top of the stack, than I use getfield to
check if the field exists, if it is nil, I pop the nil value and run newtable,
but if the value with the key exists (it must be a table), than the table is on top,
but how can I add on a table a new key-value pair? So I would like to
overwrite an existing key or I would like to append a new one.
Must I put all element on the stack top?
in short I try to solve this:
if table exists
push it on the stack
if key exists
push it on the stack and replace value
push a new key-value pair on the stack
add it to table
move table from stack and append data
create table
create key-value pair and put it into table
Can me anybody explain how the append works?
Assuming the following:
t = { key1 = { subkey = 123 } , key2 = { subkey = 456 , newkey = 789 } }
int my_append(lua_State *L)
/* t -- t */ /* make sure we only have a table */
/* t -- t key2 */ /* get key2 */
if (lua_isnil(L,-1))
/* t nil -- t */ /* pop nil from stack */
/* t -- t t */ /* create a table */
/* t t -- t t t */ /* dup it */
/* t t t -- t t */ /* and set it as key2 in the passed in table */
/* t t -- t t */ /* make sure it's a table */
/* t t -- t t 314 */ /* set anewkey to 314 */
lua_setfield(L,-2,"anewerkey"); /* t t 314 -- t t */
/* t t -- t */
return 1;
/* return passed in table */
Untested code, but the above should set key2.anewerkey to 314 in the passed
in table (and create key2 if it doesn't exist). The first comments is a
stack diagram (a concept from Forth)---the top of the stack is always on the
right, and the diagram shows the stack before and after the function
(stack-before-call '--' stack-after-call), which should make the logic a bit
more clearer.