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On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 9:38 PM, spir <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm looking for the simplest to achieve modularity in a practicle manner.
> Ideally, here is what I would like:
> 1. A module is a file of code, and conversely -- or a file plus all what it
> requires; I'm ready to pay the price of introducing all of a module's top
> symbols with 'local', for that.
> 2. A module explicitely exports; the obvious way to do that seems to be
> 'return that'.
> However, when a module is a pack of functionality (like math) rather than a
> big composite piece of data, or a major type, then it's elements are
> encapsulated in 'that. This is a good in the general case; it does not
> always lead to important code as in vs file_read, and often
> clarifies the code as in bs fread.
> 3. But, a good organisation of code typically leads to "separation of
> concerns" where (client) code module deal with a major aspect of a software,
> and thus require there, and only there, a dedicated library. Examples may be
> UI design importing a GUI framework, definition of a parser importing a
> parsing lib, complex number calculation importing a Complex type... In this
> case (provided the original names are well designed), it would be a very
> helpful feature for simplicity and clarity of code to have all of a module's
> exported symbols at the toplevel of the requiring one.
> This seems incompatible with 1. and 2., maybe. The only way I can see is
>    open_table = function (t) for k,v in pairs(t) do __ENV [k] = v end end
> However, this would in fact import a lib's symbols into _G, by default. To
> have meet other criteria, we would have to make every module live in a
> custom, closed, environment.
> Do some of you have a similar practice? How would you do that?
> Denis
> PS: for user-scripting, all is fine I guess, since one would let them code
> inside a kind of sandbox __ENV anyway.
> PPS: I'm thinking at a practice where one would define their everyday
> "standard toolkit" with all of regularly used builtin features and custom
> tools, and put them into a table intended to be used as environment rather
> then module. (With a hook to _G for exceptional use cases, or _G's features
> redefined on the module table.) Then, do
>    __ENV = require "stdkit"
> instead of just
>    require "stdkit"

Separation of concerns and importing all dependent symbols seem at
odds with each other. You could always explicitly re-export given
objects from a module if it were strictly necessary but for the most
part I feel you should only import what is explicitly required into a
given 'namespace'.

I'm playing it a bit fast and loose with terminology here but
hopefully you can understand what I'm saying.

Basically what's wrong with something like
where inclusion is a matter of `local tnetstring = require

Please let me know if I've completely missed your point. :)
