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Hi All,

I'm trying to capture and redirect stdout and stderr (using pure Lua) to deliver the output remotely and ran into some problems. Some relevant discussions I found are and, but nothing that directly describes how to do this in Lua.

Here is my script that shows changing io.stdout doesn't seem to have any effect on print() and io.write:

local iobase = { output = io.output, stdout = io.stdout }
local copy = {
  write = function(self, ...) iobase[self.mode]:write("write ", ...) end,
copy.__index = copy

io.stdout = setmetatable({mode = "stdout"}, copy)
io.output = function(o) iobase.output(o) return io.stdout end
io.stdout:write("test 1\n") -- works
io.output():write("test 2\n") -- works
io.write("test 3\n") -- doesn't work
print("test 4") -- doesn't work

This prints:

write test 1
write test 2
test 3
test 4

I can definitely overwrite "print" and "io.write" with my own functions (maybe that's the easiest way to do this), but I'm looking for a cleaner way if there is any. I also tried to call io.output(copy) to make io.write() work, but it returned an error "bad argument #1 to 'output' (FILE* expected, got table)".

What is the right way do provide my handlers to replace stdout and stderr write? Thanks.
