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Am 26.10.2012 19:22, schrieb spir:
... if codes are plain ordinals, then it can just be:
    {2, 3, 1}    -- sum = 6
I'd just toss random(6), then iterate on cardinalities (summing on the way) until I reach a value >= toss result.

Just ti ad-hoc ideas:
So far so good. And from this point, you can
a) sort the card.-table {3, 2, 1} (and the value table correspondingly to {b,a,c}) b) replace the entries in the card.-table by their cumulate sum: cumsum-table {3, 5, 6}
then your scan "cumsum >= toss ?" end early with higher probability.

Instead of linear probing, one can use an heuristic like cumsum[toss/sum] as pivot
or one can setup a btree...

(Just ad-hoc ideas)