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On 23/10/2012 20:19, Johann Hibschman wrote:
I'm curious: what languages would print 1 and 2 below? I can't think of one.

The equivalent Scheme,

    (define (inc i) (lambda (n) (+ n i))
    (define i 1)
    (define inc1 (inc i))
    (inc1 0)
    (set! i 2)
    (inc1 0)

should never ever print anything other than 1 and 1.

I was messing up 2 issues. The (simpler) example that shows the behaviour I had in mind is:

i = 1
inc1 = function (n) return n + i end

print (inc1(0))

i = 2
print (inc1(0))

And yes, now Lua also print 1 and 2.
Seems crazy to use this "feature", but I actually was caught once when writing a "method" outside the table defining the "type", which depended on a global acting as a kind of setting. Tgat's how I discovered the point. Now, why people find it more useful than dangerous (that closures close on vars, not data), I don't know. Also, it seems more complicated to implement, doesn't it?
