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2012/10/19 Rob Hoelz <>:

>> 1. Change the first line in rep.lua from
>>     #!/usr/bin/env lua
>> to
>>     #!/usr/bin/env lua5.1

> Does lua exist as an executable, or do you only have lua5.1/lua5.2/etc?

`lua` is /usr/local/bin/lua as installed by the most recent PUC-Rio release.

>> 2. Symbolically link $PWD/repl to /usr/local/lib/lua/5.1 (the rock
>> installs only /usr/local/lib/luarocks/rocks/luarepl/0.3-1/bin/rep.lua).
> If you set up your PATH to point to wherever luarocks installs binaries
> (mine is ~/.luarocks/bin),
> you shouldn't need to do this.

I did `sudo luarocks make` in the untar directory.  I have not yet
succeeded in discovering where the `repl` directory was installed.
Maybe I should chuck away the `sudo` and leave other users to
fend for themselves.

> If you install lua-linenoise, the linenoise plugin will automatically be
> loaded, and you will gain history (persistent history, even!), and tab
> completion.

Aha! I'll try that.

> I should probably document this; I should also try writing a plugin that
> uses rlwrap or something.

While I admire Luadoc for what it does, I also love a README.1st
aimed it idiots like myself.
