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Hey, it's me again with another finalizer question, sorry!  :)

I must be misunderstanding this portion of the 5.2 reference

  Resurrected objects (that is, objects being finalized
  and objects accessible only through objects being
  finalized) have a special behavior in weak tables.
  They are removed from weak values before running
  their finalizers, but are removed from weak keys only
  in the next collection after running their
  finalizers, when such objects are actually freed.
  This behavior allows the finalizer to access
  properties associated with the object through weak

I take this to mean that an object should not be accessible as a value
in a weak table after its finalizer has been run.  But in the sample
program that follows, I see exactly that.

What am I missing?



function newtab_gc(fn) return setmetatable({}, { __gc = fn }) end

-- Table with weak values.
local t = setmetatable({}, {__mode = "v"})

  print("found in weak table: " .. tostring(t[1]))

t[1] = newtab_gc(function(o)
  print("__gc " .. tostring(o))



__gc table: 0x635960
found in weak table: table: 0x635960