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I am new to Lua, and I want to write stuff that talks to RS232 ports.

Initially on a PC, though eventually on Linux and eLua systems too.

I picked up an example which called up luars232, but couldn't find a
written API spec.

I have written my own, since our in-house standards require me to
document it, and it's good for my soul.
I'd appreciate it if anyone can see anything wrong with what I wrote ....

Is it of any use for adding to the overall project, and if so, where
might the text properly belong?

copy below


This program makes use of luars232, which is an implementation of
librs232, a C library.

There doesn't seem to be any documentation on what luars232 does,
but you can deduce it by looking at the example code here:

and the generic source code here:

and the lua source code here:

                 My attempt at documentation for luars232

There are 2 functions - 
    open                  -- rs232Library = require("luars232")
-- error, port  = --
device can be "/dev/ttyUSB0" or "COM1"

There are the following methods available once open() is successful. 
See lines in luars232.c following
  static luaL_reg port_methods[] 

  standard methods:
    __tostring            -- get string describing rs232 instance
    __gc                  -- synonym for close
    device                -- get device name?
    fd                    -- get file descriptor

read                  -- error, data, read_len =
port:read(max_read_len [ [, timeout_ms], forced])
--   if forced > 0 then read() blocks until
'timeout_ms' or there's 'max_read_len' bytes available
write                 -- error, written_len = port:write(data [,
    close                 -- error = port:close()
    flush                 -- error = port:flush()
set_baud_rate         -- needs a symbolic baud rate            like
luars232.RS232_BAUD_115200 as a parameter
set_data_bits         -- needs a symbolic number of data bits  like
luars232.RS232_DATA_8      as a parameter 
set_stop_bits         -- needs a symbolic number of stop bits  like
luars232.RS232_STOP_1      as a parameter 
set_parity            -- needs a symbolic parity setting       like
luars232.RS232_PARITY_NONE as a parameter 
set_flow_control      -- needs a symbolic flow control setting like
luars232.RS232_FLOW_OFF    as a parameter
set_dtr               -- needs a symbolic DTR setting          like
luars232.RS232_DTR_ON      as a parameter
set_rts               -- needs a symbolic RTD setting          like
luars232.RS232_RTS_ON      as a parameter

    baud_rate             -- get symbol for baud rate
baud_rate_tostring    -- converts a symbol like like
luars232.RS232_BAUD_115200 to a human-readable string
    data_bits             -- get symbol for number of data bits
dta_bits_tostring     -- converts a symbol like like
luars232.RS232_DATA_8 to a human-readable string
    stop_bits             -- get symbol for number of stop bits
stop_bits_tostring    -- converts a symbol like like
luars232.RS232_STOP_1 to a human-readable string
    parity                -- get symbol for parity setting
parity_tostring       -- converts a symbol like like
luars232.RS232_PARITY_NONE to a human-readable string
    flow_control          -- get symbol for flow control setting
flow_control_tostring -- converts a symbol like like
luars232.RS232_FLOW_OFF to a human-readable string
    dtr                   -- get symbol for DTR setting
dtr_tostring          -- converts a symbol like like
luars232.RS232_DTR_ON to a human-readable string
    rts                   -- get symbol for RTS setting
rts_tostring          -- converts a symbol like like
luars232.RS232_RTS_ON to a human-readable string
