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On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 10:32 PM, Dong Feng <> wrote:
> And then it says, if you declare a local variable with value "nil", that
> local variable still shadows the global ones (if there is one), meaning a
> local variable (which its own should be an item of some table) exists after
> assigned "nil".

AFAICT, local variables are statically assigned slots. so, yes, they
exist regardless of their value, even if it's nil.

but think for a while how surprising would it be if assigning nil
could make a local variable 'disappear'

  local n = 'sneaking'

  function f (x)
    local n = x
    print n

f(2)  => 2
f(nil) => 'sneaking'

isn't it weird?  you assign a value to a variable and find a different
value, depending on code outside the function!
