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I'm happy to announce LuaRocks 2.0.11. LuaRocks is a deployment and
management system for Lua modules. (For more information, please visit )

This release contains a number of bugfixes, as well as some minor features
which do not break compatibility with the rockspec format.

What's new since 2.0.10:

* Work around LuaSocket crash when given proxy URLs without the scheme part
* Save manifest file in a single fs operation to make it more atomic
* Fix tree loading order on luarocks.loader with multiple trees
* Fix detection of write permissions
* Improve dependency detection using configurable patterns, now a file
like "" satisfies ""
* --bin flag for "luarocks path" command, exports $PATH
* Support for mirrors in the rocks_servers list, default list of
mirrors included
* Avoid using Lua modules internally on Windows, to avoid file system locking
* Add NetBSD support
* Rename luarocks.rep to luarocks.repos
* Fail gracefully on the absence of cmake, on cmake build mode
* New command "lint", to check the syntax of a rockspec
* Fix builtin build mode on Mac OSX < 10.5
* Improve configure tests for Debian-based platforms

(As usual, see the GitHub logs for detailed history and credits)

Thanks to everyone who contributed, reporting bugs and sending fixes!
As always, any kind of feedback is much appreciated.

-- Hisham