From within lua
somevar = require "modulename";
data = "";
It works for anything normal like string "abc123" but as soon as I
add binary data it stops functioning.
On 8/15/2012 6:58 AM, Daurnimator wrote:
On 15 August 2012 04:46, Digital <>
I've been trying this for a very long time, never succeeded in
passing binary data.
But here is a function:
static int testfunc(lua_State *L)
printf("test func\n");
char *arg1;
int i;
size_t len = 0;
arg1 = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &len);
//arg1 = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, &len);
//arg1 = lua_touserdata(L, 1);
printf("Size = %s\n",arg1);
FILE *sfile;
sfile = fopen("testfilebinary.txt","wb");
return 0;
I tried some udata variants as you can see. But that failed
completely and wouldn't even return the normal type "abc123"
Yes, I don't know how to change the time stamp or remove it if
On 8/15/2012 1:41 AM, Patrick Rapin wrote:
It does work, just as long as I only send a normal
string like "abcd1234"
Well, it that case, I don't understand. For Lua there is
distinction between a "normal" and a "binary" string.
Please check again your code, that should be some stupid
If you want further support, please send us all the test
code needed
to produce the problem.
PS: there is a problem with the time stamp of your
messages. Your
answers seem to arrive about 3.2 hours before my
How do you call it?