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ZeroBrane Studio is a lightweight Lua IDE with code completion, syntax
highlighting, live coding, remote debugger, code analyzer, and
hypertext/markdown formatting support for integrating learning
materials (examples and demos provided).

Thanks to all who provided their feedback and encouragement. The most
recent version (0.31) provides several bugfixes and new features (like
showing variable/expression values during debugging). The main new
feature is the added support for Mac OS X platform. There are still
few issues with the Mac version (all seem to be wxwidgets related),
which I've captured here: Some of the
demos with graphics are not working correctly because of these issues.
The same ticket also lists all the changes I've made to port the IDE
from Windows to Mac, which wasn't much; this says good things about
wxwidgets compatibility. If anyone knows a solution to one of the
current issues I listed, please email me or update the ticket.

The code and the packages (.dmg, .exe, and .zip) are available on
