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Hi Philippe,

I've pushed a set of changes that fix the shebang issue (both for
compilation and debugging) and add a tooltip to display a value of a
variable during debugging:

To display a value you can either select a variable (or an expression)
to evaluate and hit a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl-T) or click inside a
variable. The logic will display the value of "abc.def" if you click
on "def" section and will display "abc" if you click on "abc" section.

These changes will be included in the next release, but they are
already in the repository if you want to check them out.


On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 9:14 AM, Philippe Lhoste <> wrote:
> On 28/06/2012 22:34, Paul K wrote:
>> ZeroBrane Studio is a lightweight Lua IDE. The most recent version
>> provides several improvements
>> (
>> - Added support for reading input right from the IDE
>> - Added stack view with local/upvalue values (including display of
>> hierarchical data)
>> - Support for love2d debugging and auto-complete
>> - Support for debugging LuaJIT clients.
>> The screencast demonstrating love2d debugging is available here
>> ( The IDE is
>> currently Windows-only, but I'm working on a MacOS version, which
>> should be available in the next release.
> Yes, I saw your announcement in the Löve mailing list, and I did a brief
> test, using the no-install package (thanks for not making the installation
> mandatory!).
> I appreciate that you use the Scintilla component (via wxStyledTextCtrl,
> yes?).
> I like the clean and simple interface, and a quick test of the debug feature
> (step by step) shown it is well made.
> Just a suggestion: it might be nice to display the value of a variable in a
> tooltip by hovering over the variable name. At least, that's a feature I am
> used to...
> Now, if it is hard to implement, selecting the variable (or clicking inside
> it) and hitting a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+I in Eclipse/Java editor) to
> get the information is fine for me.
> I found out that the information is displayed too in the stack window, but I
> am not sure if it is easy to manage for large programs.
> Also I found a strange behavior (bug?): even on Windows, I have the habit to
> start lot of my Lua scripts with #!Lua5.1.exe or similar.
> A long time ago, I wrote a little launcher looking at the shbang of scripts
> and selecting the interpreter, but honestly I no longer use it, so it isn't
> critical.
> Wouldn't be practical because sometime I had a Lua5.1.exe, sometime a
> Lua-5.1.exe and sometime a Lua51.exe...
> But I wonder why ZeroBane interprets this # in some way, doesn't display it
> and reports an error on the "!Lua5.1.exe" line...
> --
> Philippe Lhoste
> --  (near) Paris -- France
> --
> --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --