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I try to use socket.http to send a SOAP message with POST in the body of
See the following code:

local http = require("socket.http")

    body = [[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=\"";
xmlns=""; />

local r,c,h = http.request{
    url = "http://xx/LimsWebService/default.asmx?op=ViewLogStatus";,
    sink = ltn12.sink.file("test.out", "w")),
    headers = {
      ["Content-Type"] = "text/xml; charset=utf-8",
      ["content-length"] = tostring(body:len()),

        ["Host"] = "xx",
    body = ltn12.source.string(body),
    method = "POST"

This leads always to a timeout and using a wireshark i can see the http
headers only - no body.

I tried a 'trick' to insert the body in the header telegram:

local r,c,h = http.request{
    url = "http://xx/LimsWebService/default.asmx?op=ViewLogStatus";,
    sink = ltn12.sink.file("test.out", "w")),
    headers = {
        ["Content-Type"] = "text/xml; charset=utf-8",
        ["content-length"] = tostring(body:len()+4),
        ["SOAPAction"] =
        ["Host"] = "xx\r\n\r\n\r\n"..body
    method = "POST"

This works (more or less) and the server is responding.

Do I misunderstand something with the first (the 'official') version?
Is there a known bug?

Any help is welcome.
