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The reference manual (5.2) says this;

> typedef struct lua_State lua_State;
> An opaque structure that keeps the whole state of 
> a Lua interpreter. The Lua library is fully 
> reentrant: it has no global variables. All 
> information about a state is kept in this structure.
> A pointer to this state must be passed as the first 
> argument to every function in the library, except to 
> lua_newstate, which creates a Lua state from scratch.

And at thread creation it says;
> lua_newthread
> lua_State *lua_newthread (lua_State *L);
> Creates a new thread, pushes it on the stack, and 
> returns a pointer to a lua_State that represents this 
> new thread. The new thread returned by this function 
> shares with the original thread its global environment, 
> but has an independent execution stack.
> There is no explicit function to close or to destroy a 
> thread. Threads are subject to garbage collection, like 
> any Lua object.

Seems conflicting to me, as the newthread only creates a thread, but still
returns a lua_State. Is then the lua_State description outdated?

Also pops the question what happens when you call lua_close() with a
lua_State created by lua_newthread().

Am I missing something?
