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On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 9:31 PM, James Urso <> wrote:
> (...)
> int luaopen_testHarness(lua_State *L)
> {
>   luaL_newlib (L, testHarness);   /* register C functions with Lua */
>   return 1;
> }
> (...)
> Is there something I can do so that I don’t need to have the “th.” In front
> of the call to the buildMessage function in the C library?

To populate the global table with your module's functions instead of
creating a new table and populating that, look into using
luaL_setfuncs() directly in your luaopen function instead of
luaL_newlib(). Something like this (untested):

int luaopen_testHarness(lua_State *L)
  // get global table onto the stack
  // populate the table on top of the stack with module functions
  luaL_setfuncs(L, testHarness, 0);
  // since we don't have a module table, don't return anything
  // require() will return true instead
  return 0;
