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On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 5:17 AM, forum <> wrote:
> How can I run a safe sandbox from within a c/c++ application?
> I tried:
> "lua_pushnil(L);
> lua_setglobal(L, "io");"
> etc etc ...
> But I was still able to use them after I ran a script with "dostring" or
> "loadstring" within c/c++.

I personally use "packages['io'] = true" so that subsequent calls to
"require('io')" won't import the module. But that can be thwarted by a
script that knows that this is done by calling "packages['io] = nil;
require('io')" so this isn't all that secure; in my project, it's
sufficient to remind my scripters that they're not supposed to be
doing that.

For a while I was wondering if you could install a metatable on the
packages table to prevent scripts from modifying it, but I realized
that rawset() would bypass that.

There are some resources if you do a quick Google search. Check out for more information.

/s/ Adam